Thursday, 25 November 2010

Sasc-ng and CCcam

Someone sent me a private message asking my help about getting CCcam to work with Sasc-ng i remember i had a
very frustrating problem to get CCcam to replay Sasc-ng requests although CCcam protocol support was added to sasc-ng.
so i thought i would post here for everyone who is having the same issue.

To install sasc-ng take a look at my other post here :
I will be using vdr-sc HG Repositor from this URL for this post.
to download it just run this command in your shell

hg clone

After installing sasc-ng as mentioned in the above post. cd to ./sc/contrib/ in the folder downloaded from the repositer
above. then run this command :



if everything worked as it suppose to you will get a library
cp that library somewhere you are gonna use it from. let's say /usr/local/lib/ for example.


cp /usr/local/lib/

now download latest CCcam version from here :

in the archive there is gonna be 6 different executable files CCcam.something each one for a different type of processor
a CCcam configuration file CCcam.cfg and a change log file ChangeLog.
for example i have a x86_64 linux machine.
so i will copy CCcam.x86_64 to one of my binary directories. let's say /usr/local/bin/


cp CCcam.x86_64 /usr/local/CCcam

copy the CCcam configuration file to /var/etc/ that's where CCcam will search for it you can use any other directory.
unless you specified the configuration file path with the CCcam switch -C .

cp CCcam.cfg /var/etc/

Download CCcam.channelinfo and CCcam.providers from the following links:

copy CCcam.channelinfo CCcam.providers to the same directory where your CCcam.cfg is located normally /var/etc/

if you are gonna use softcam.key or need to use it you will have to download the following files:

then copy the three of them to the directory /var/keys/ that's where CCcam will them from.

now you can start CCcam with the following command


LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/bin/CCcam

or you can use a startup script like this one i wrote.


if ps -C CCcam > /dev/null
echo -e "CCcam already running\n"
rm /tmp/.CCcam.nodeid > /dev/null
rm /tmp/camd.socket > /dev/null
sleep 2
echo -e "Starting cccam.\n"
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/bin/CCcam $1

echo -e "Stopping cccam.\n"
killall CCcam
rm /tmp/.CCcam.nodeid
rm /tmp/camd.socket

case $1 in
start )
stop )
restart )
echo -e "restarting cccam.\n"
sleep 1
nodaemon )
start -d
* )
echo -e "Usage `basename $0` {start | stop | restart | nodaemon }\n"

you can customize it to fit your need depending on which Linux distribution you are using.

now let's add our newly installed CCcam server to Sasc-ng card client configuration file. and here it comes the tricky part.
depending on what directory you have chosen for your sasc-ng --cam-dir option.
you should have a file named cardclient.conf there.
to connect your sasc-ng to your newly installed CCcam. add the following like the file cardclient.conf mentioned before.



now you will notice that your CCcam doesn't answer your sasc-ng requests or sasc-ng doesn't send the proper requests
to solve this problem you have to specify the provider you are gonna decrypt. to do so open the CCcam.providers file you have
installed before and search for the provider name you need to decrypt for example let's say we are gonna decrypt Cyfra+
there is a line like this 01000065 "[S2] Cyfra+ (13E)[Full]" in the file CCcam.providers what we need is the hexadecimal
eight characters number 01000065 we will split it into two parts each one with four characters like this 0100 and 0065
now let's add it to our sasc-ng cardclient.conf configuration file. which will now become like this :


you can add as many providers as you need just make sure you will do the same thing for each provider here is the configuration i'm using for my CCcam server in the cardclient.conf file.


After you make any changes to the cardclient.conf file you have to restart your sasc-ng to apply them.The only thing left that i didn't cover in this post is how to configure CCcam to connect to your Cams if you have any. I don't have any Cams because i use CCcam just for softcam so i can't give you any details about how to do that but i think there should alot of other tutorials online about how to do that.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

RouterTech • View topic - Allow WOL through Router

RouterTech • View topic - Allow WOL through Router

I setup my speedtouch 780 to accept/forward WOL packest to my Home PC from Work..

I believe that the BT HomeHub is a speedtouch 7G and configuring it is basically the same, although I can't confim it.

From memory All I had to do was
Telnet into the Speedtouch.
and at CLI execute

:ip arpdelete intf=LocalNetwork ip= hwaddr=

:ip arpadd intf=LocalNetwork ip= hwaddr=

This creates a static arp entry otherwise the Speedtouch seams to forget where the PC is conncted.

then execute

:service rule add name="Wake on LAN" protocol=tcp portrange=7-9
:service rule add name="Wake on LAN" protocol=udp portrange=7-9
:service assign name="Wake on LAN" host= log=disabled

These last 3 can be setup from the web interface "Game & Application Sharing" if prefered.

Details on how to send the WOL packet can be found here

The PC will also need to be setup with a static IP Address or to always get the same address from DHCP.

Hope this helps

Monday, 25 January 2010

Upgrade Alsa

cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.20.

sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop

cd ~
rm -rf ~/alsa* ~/.pulse*

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install wget build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
tar -xf alsa-driver-1.0.21.tar.bz2
cd alsa-driver-1.0.21
sudo make install
sudo ./snddevices
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
#Reboot Here!!!
sudo alsactl store

other link is

Monday, 11 January 2010

Multimedia Keys - Gentoo Linux Wiki

Multimedia Keys - Gentoo Linux Wiki

skystar HD 2 for Mythbuntu - Ubuntu Forums

skystar HD 2 for Mythbuntu

now 9.10 is out the procedure changed a bit....
Have fun.

sudo -s
apt-get install libncurses5-dev hg-buildpackage
cd /usr/local/src
hg clone
cd s2-liplianin
cd linux/include/linux
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/linux/compiler.h ./
cd ../../../
make menuconfig
unselect the folowing module:
multimedia support-> DVB/ATSC Adapter -> Firetv/Floppydtv
make install
depmod -a
reboot (might be an other way of restarting services but this was fast enough.. )

did not do it myself.. just a gatherer.....